Marriage American Style: The Past and Future of a Changing Institution
November 16, 2013
Marriage has been called a foundational institution of American society, but just what is “American Marriage?” This seminar examines evolving conceptions and practices of marriage in the United States from colonial times to today. Patrick O’Neil explains how marriage changed during the 18th and 19th centuries from a community-centered institution to a private bond between couples. Tim Marr shows how men and women have adjusted their expectations of what marriage can bring, and discusses how increased equality for women has altered the very nature of matrimony. Delving into contemporary debates, Maxine Eichner explains recent developments in marriage law—especially in regard to same-sex marriage—and considers the future of marriage. Why do people marry? What does the union mean? How will changes to marriage affect Americans in the future? These are only a few of the questions we’ll explore during this fascinating seminar.
Topics & Speakers
Forever Hold Your Peace: How Couples Squeezed Communities out of Marriage
Patrick O’Neil, Assistant Professor of History, Methodist University
Gender and the Historical Negotiations of American Coupling
Timothy Marr, Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Associate Professor of American Studies
The Times They Are A-Changin’: The Present and Future of U.S. Marriage Law
Maxine Eichner, Reef C. Ivey II Professor of Law
I Do, You Do, We Do? Marriage in America
A panel discussion with our speakers
Time and Cost
11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, November 16, 2013. The tuition is $125 ($110 by September 5). Tuition for teachers is $62.50 ($55 by September 5). 10 contact hours for 1 unit of renewal credit. The optional lunch is $15.00.
For information about lodging click here.
Co-Sponsored by the General Alumni Association.
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