The Viking Age
Featuring Paul Roberge
October 19, 2013
Famous in popular history as marauders and pirates, the Vikings extended their influence over a broad northern swath of territory, including the British Isles, Western Europe, Iceland, Greenland, North America, and Russia between 793 and 1066. Join Professor Paul Roberge as he explores the Viking Age. Professor Roberge will draw on the testimony of the saga literature of the era, which forms the basis for much of our knowledge of this period, as well as consider history and archaeology to reconstruct the Viking world. He explains the complicated politics behind the Viking acceptance of Christianity and considers how an intricate system of tort law was pitted against a might-makes-right ethos to create Viking law. He concludes with the Viking language, introducing the beauty of runes and the legacies of Viking colonization on English. More than merely feared warriors from the sea, the Vikings were important contributors to European civilization. Whether or not you’re an avid viewer of the History Channel’s Vikings, you won’t want to miss the chance to learn about this fascinating and varied culture and period.
Paul Roberge is Professor of Germanic Languages, joint Professor of Linguistics, and Chair of the Department of Linguistics. He also holds the title of professor extraordinary of general linguistics at Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
The Viking World: History and Geography
Viking Culture and Religion
Viking Law
Language in the Viking Age
Time and Cost
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 19, 2013. The tuition is $125 ($110 by September 5). Tuition for teachers is $62.50 ($55 by September 5). 10 contact hours for 1 unit of renewal credit. The optional lunch is $15.00.
For information about lodging click here.
Co-Sponsored by the General Alumni Association.
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