New Roots in the Old South: Immigration & the Changing Face of North Carolina
March 17, 2012
Co-sponsored by the NC Civic Education Consortium
The 2010 census revealed a changed and changing U.S. populace. More than half of the growth in the total population of the United States between 2000 and 2010 was due to an increase in the Hispanic population, and more than three-quarters of this population live in the West and in the South. Between 2000 and 2010, North Carolina experienced a percentage growth of 111% in the number of Hispanic or Latino residents.
This seminar considers how North Carolina is changing and how Latinos and Hispanics are changing along with it. Hannah Gill will explain the larger social forces behind demographic shifts and the realities of immigration policy that affect North Carolinians on the ground. Paul Smokowski explores the complexities of bicultural identity among Latino adolescents, the fastest growing demographic group in the United States. Ashley Lucas and Paul Cuadros will introduce us to their collaboration with Mike Wiley on a new play about the lives of North Carolina poultry workers. Looking behind the numbers, our presenters will highlight the human dimensions of the immigration experience to see just how deep the new roots of Hispanics and Latinos are in the Old North State.
Topics and Speakers
New Roots in the Old North State: Understanding Demographic Change and Immigration Policy in North Carolina
Hannah Gill, Assistant Director, Institute for the Study of the Americas and Research Associate, Center for Global Initiatives
Becoming Bicultural: Risk, Resilience, and Latino Youth
Paul Smokowski, Professor of Social Work and Director, North Carolina Academic Center for Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention
Immigrant Bodies in Performance: A New Documentary Play about North Carolina Poultry Workers
Ashley Lucas, Assistant Professor of Dramatic Art
Paul Cuadros, Assistant Professor of Journalism
Behind the Numbers: Changing Populations, New Experiences
A panel discussion with our speakers
Time and Cost
9:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Saturday March 17, 2012. The tuition is $125 ($110 by February 3). Tuition for teachers is $62.50 ($55 by February 3). 10 contact hours for 1 unit of renewal credit. The optional lunch is $15.00.
For information about lodging click here.
Co-Sponsored by the General Alumni Association.
For information about GAA discounts and other scholarships available to Humanities Program participants, click here.