The Cold War: Crisis, Character, and Competition
The Cold War shaped the world we live in, creating the foundations for most of today’s key conflicts, including the War on Terror. In this seminar, we travel back to the days of bipolar conflict. Don Raleigh presents new research based on the unpublished diaries of Leonid Brezhnev, whose rule in the Kremlin lasted 18 years. Brezhnev’s foreign policy evolved over time, including détente, that policy’s demise, and the ill-fated decision in 1979 to invade Afghanistan.
After discussing a key figure in the Cold War conflict, we turn to an arena, namely the Asian theater. Michael Hunt explores revolution and decolonization and the two “hot wars” of the age within the larger rivalry between the superpowers.
No consideration of the Cold War is complete without including the shadow of nuclear war. Joe Caddell discusses the things that shaped the Cold War conflict, following the arms race from the atomic showdowns of the 1950s and 60s to the technological gap of the 70s and 80s.
Think you know all there is to know about the Cold War? Join us to find out.
Topics and Speakers
Man of Peace: Leonid Ilich Brezhnev’s Cold War, 1964-82
Donald J. Raleigh, Jay Richard Judson Distinguished Professor of History
East Asia: The Other Cold War
Michael H. Hunt, Everett H. Emerson Professor of History Emeritus
A Study in Competition: The Cold War Arms Race
Joseph W. Caddell, Lecturer of History
The Lessons and Legacies of the Cold War
A panel discussion with our speakers
Time and Cost
10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Saturday, June 8, 2013. The tuition is $125 ($110 by May 23). Tuition for teachers is $62.50 ($55 by May 23). 10 contact hours for 1 unit of renewal credit. The optional lunch is $15.00.
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Co-Sponsored by the General Alumni Association.
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