Carolina Voices: Exploring the History, Humanities & Cultures of the Tar Heel State
Thursday, June 27 – Friday, June 28
Wayne County Community College | Walnut Building | Room 101 & 104
Generously sponsored by the Wayne County Friends of Public Education
A two-day teacher education and appreciation retreat, with prominent scholars, authors, artists, performers, and more – not to mention a $100 stipend & 1.4 CEU’s! SPACE IS LIMITED – APPLY TODAY!
Tentative Agenda | Application
Teachers from all around Wayne County (4th – 12th grade) are invited to join UNC Chapel Hill’s Carolina K-12 for an engaging (and FREE!) two-day summer retreat at Wayne County Community College this June 27 – 28! “Carolina Voices: Exploring the History, Humanities & Cultures of the Tar Heel State” will provide two engaging days in which teachers are exposed to compelling history, literature, art, performances, etc., with the purpose of exploring how to integrate all of these areas to better engage students in your various social studies/history (state & national), English/language arts, literature, and humanities courses. All the while, we will celebrate each participating teacher and the important, valuable work you do!
Check out the agenda here, which will integrate:
- Presentations on compelling topics from North Carolina history from engaging scholars, authors, artists, etc.
- A Teacher Appreciation Reception & Dinner (on Thursday night) at the Goldsboro Event Center, as well as breakfast & lunch on Thursday & Friday.
- Dynamic performances such as:
- From Slavery to Civil Rights, an Aural History Tour, singing and presentation by Mary D. Williams
- Live entertainment at our Teacher Appreciation Reception from the Flat Mountain Dulcimers
- Tired Souls, a one-man performance about the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Mike Wiley Productions
- Pedagogical exploration of coordinating lesson plans, teaching strategies and resources.
- Constant affirmation and appreciation for your work as a PROFESSIONAL who is making Wayne County a better place each day you enter the classroom!
Teachers participating in this FREE professional development and teacher appreciation event will receive:
- A $100 stipend upon completion of the event!
- 1.4 CEU’s
- A Teacher Appreciation Reception & Dinner on Thursday evening; breakfast, lunch & snacks throughout Thursday & Friday
- Resources to take back to your classroom, and a few teacher appreciation “treats” along the way!
- The important chance to meet, share ideas and recharge with other teachers around the county, all while being honored for the important and critical work you do as a professional.
Registration requirements:
- This event is open to any currently practicing 4th-12th public school teacher in Wayne County who teaches or integrates history, social studies, English/Language Arts, literature, humanities electives, etc. into their course. (If you are unsure if you qualify, e-mail Kim Copeland at
- Teachers must be able to attend ALL HOURS of EACH DAY of the event in order to register, including performances and the dinner. (Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate conflicts that require leaving early, arriving late, or missing any session, activity or meal.) See the agenda here for specific start and end times.
- You will be contacted on or before May 10 with notice as to whether your application is accepted. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted to provide a credit card number via phone or fax to hold your space. YOUR CARD WILL NOT BE CHARGED to participate in this FREE event as long as you participate or provide notice of cancellation by Mon. June 17. Failure to attend or cancel your participation, which results in materials & food waste, and prevents other teachers from attending, can result in a $75 “no-show” fee applied to your card. (We take your privacy very seriously; all credit card information is kept in a locked safe and then shredded after the training date. Please also DO NOT send credit card information via e-mail. If you have any questions, contact Paul Bonnici at or 919.962.1544.)
An event provided by the Wayne County Friends of Education to educate and equally appreciate Wayne County’s hard-working educators, teachers do not want to miss this unique event, “Carolina Voices.” (SPACE IS LIMITED! REGISTER TODAY!)
You will be contacted on or before May 10 with notice as to whether your application is accepted.
Funding for this event is generously provided by Wayne County Friends of Public Education, a group of private citizens who donated funds to provide a special professional development retreat for teachers across the county.