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November 9, 2013

India is the largest democracy in the world; its economy the tenth-largest. Four world religions originated there. The region has a long, rich, and varied history. We’ve brought together four experts as our guides to a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the subcontinent. Emma Flatt introduces us to courts in pre-colonial India when courtiers roamed the kingdoms and principalities in search of patronage, offering their skills in the areas of letter-writing, wrestling, and astrology. Philip Stern takes us to the time of British Empire from the days of the East India Company through the Raj, focusing particularly on the role India played in creating the first truly global economy. Iqbal Sevea offers insights into Islamic understandings of the Indian nation from colonial-era resistance to the present day. Townsend Middleton explores how communities in this ethnically diverse nation negotiate “who’s in” and “who’s out,” and in turn shape communal and national identity. For those interested in “all things India,” we have arranged for a special discount for the Carolina Performing Arts production by The Manganiyar Seduction on November 4th, and would invite you to visit the Ackland Art Museum’s exhibition of the Sahmat Collective, the Indian artistic activist movement.

Topics & Speakers

Courts and Courtliness in Pre-modern South Asia
Emma Jane Flatt, Assistant Professor of History

From Company to Colony: The Making of the British Empire in India
Philip J. Stern, Associate Professor of History, Duke University

Islam, Modernity and Politics in South Asia
Iqbal Singh Sevea, Assistant Professor of History

Politics and Belonging in India: A Volatile Nexus
Townsend Middleton, Assistant Professor of Anthropology

India’s Past, Present, and Future
A panel discussion with our speakers

Time and Cost

9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, November 9, 2013. The tuition is $125 ($110 by September 5). Tuition for teachers is $62.50 ($55 by September 5). 10 contact hours for 1 unit of renewal credit. The optional lunch is $15.00.

For information about lodging click here.

Co-Sponsored by the General Alumni Association.

For information about GAA discounts and other scholarships available to Humanities Program participants, click here.

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