Flyleaf Summer Series
In collaboration with the UNC General Alumni Association
We’re turning up the volume on our Flyleaf Summer Series and bringing music to the stage!
Join us for innovative events blending lectures and discussions with musical performances and demonstrations. A celebration of Carolina’s creative scholarship, the Flyleaf Summer Series will use music to bring added context and content to four distinct topics: North Carolina jazz, the history of bluegrass performance and the changing nature of the music business, the narratives of enslaved people in prose and song, and the magical science behind musical sounds. Hark the Sound and come on down!
Flyleaf Summer Series events run from 5:30 to 7:00 pm and take place at Flyleaf Books, 752 MLK Jr. Blvd., in Chapel Hill. There are no preparatory readings for these events. Each lecture is $18.00 for non-GAA members, $13.00 for GAA members, and $20.00 for anyone paying at the door.
For information about our cancellation policy, discounts, parking, and more, please visit our General Information page.
Summer 2019
Giants of North Carolina Jazz – May 22
Join Steve Anderson (piano) and Brian Horton (saxophone) as they introduce us to the music, stories, and impact of North Carolina legends such as John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, and Billy Strayhorn, among others. Come hear two virtuoso musicians pay homage to our state’s geniuses of jazz.
From the Front Porch to the Smartphone: A Bluegrass Perspective on the Changing World of Music – May 29
Russ Johnson, former member of the popular bluegrass band Grass Cats, will share his insights on how the music business has changed with technology, and he will play several songs from his long career. Join us for this engaging and informal country-style conversation and demonstration.
The Call of Freedom: Slave Narratives Written and Sung – June 5 Readings and discussion of William Andrews’ new work, Slavery and Class in the American South: A Generation of Slave Narrative Testimony, 1840-1865, will be interspersed with vocal performances by world-renowned singer LaToya Lain, who will offer commentary from her performative lecture “Narrative of a Slave Woman: Songs of Hope, Justice, and Freedom.” Measured Tones: The Science of Musical Sound – June 12 What makes a guitar sound like a guitar, and a flute like a flute? Join physicist and mezzo-soprano Laurie McNeil as she demonstrates key mathematical and acoustic concepts behind tone, timbre, time, and harmonics.With live music demonstrations (including some hands-on instruments avail- able for audience participation), we’ll explore the mysterious world of waves and numbers underpinning musical sound. 752 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (Historic Airport Rd)
Flyleaf Books: Location and Contact Info
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Next to The Root Cellar (Formerly Foster’s Market)
Monday – Saturday: 9-9
Sunday: 11-6
Phone# 919-942-7373