Make a Gift
“I laugh, I wonder, I learn something.” — Seminar participant
Carolina Public Humanities would not be possible without your generous support. Registration fees cover only 30% of the cost of presenting seminars and we rely upon private resources to sustain the high quality programming you expect. Gifts of all sizes help keep our programs affordable and accessible to as many participants as possible. Donations also help provide scholarship assistance to public schoolteachers in our state. Your gifts make it possible for us to attract and compensate top faculty and hold our events in comfortable, convenient venues. Thank you again for your ongoing support of the humanities. We couldn’t do it without your help.Your gift makes all the difference — to our faculty, our teachers, and our staff.
If you’d like, you can specify your gift to support the area that interests you most.
- Support our outstanding faculty, or contribute to our general operating funds, which are critical to our success.
- You can choose to assist us in reaching our state’s K-12 teachers and students.
- You can direct your gifts to grow our endowment funds and enable us to offer our programs at more affordable rates
GIFTING ONLINE: Designate an amount for your gift. Be sure to indicate if your employer offers matching gifts, if this gift is an honorary or memorial gift, or if your gift is in fulfillment of a pledge. You can review and confirm before submitting, and will receive an confirmation once your transaction is processed.
GIFTING VIA CHECK: Make checks payable to “Carolina Public Humanities” with the fund designation (below) in the memo line and mail to:
Carolina Public Humanities
1700 MLK Jr. Blvd
CB# 3425
UNC-Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3425
Fund Designations:
- Unrestricted Gift Fund – Carolina Public Humanities (101529) – Most donors select this option.
- Daisy M. Edmister Teacher Support Fund (108165) or the Carolina K-12 Fund (104558) to support K-12 teachers.
- State Outreach and Community College Outreach Fund (104688) To support our outreach to community colleges & other state institutions.
- Lloyd Kramer Endowed Fund for Faculty Support (104832) to support honoraria for UNC Faculty, click “Find More Fund Options” and enter “Lloyd Kramer.”
GIFTING VIA PHONE: Please call the Office of Gift Services at (919) 537-3818.
For questions about creating scholarships, making stock or estate gifts, donating to specific programs,
or suggestions on how you can support Carolina Public Humanities, please contact:
Kathryn Banas, Associate Director of Development, (919) 843-2745
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Arts and Sciences Foundation meet the requirements of the IRS to qualify as a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt organization.