Friends Program
Carolina Public Humanities Advisory Board established the Friends of the Humanities Program to recognize and thank our key donors. All Friends receive unique benefits, including invitations to donor events throughout the year. Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax adviser for details. We think you’ll find becoming a Friend a wonderful way to get more deeply engaged in the humanities.
How Membership Works
Membership is annual and runs for 12 months, beginning with the date of a donor’s first Friend Gift at the minimum $250 level. At the end of 12 months, a donor will be asked to renew membership in the Friends Program. Donors may choose to make their Friend gift incrementally, on a quarterly or monthly basis. In this case, when total gifts during one calendar year reach a minimum of $250, the donor becomes a Friend and is then accorded all the benefits of membership.
All Friends are invited to the annual Friends Holiday Party in December and are eligible to vote on topics for the annual Friends Seminar each year. In addition, Friends receive special advance notification of our upcoming events through email.
Friend – $250 Support Level
Friends receive special recognition in our publications and website and pre-notification of our programs. PLUS, receive a handsome portfolio with program logo to use for your personal note-taking at weekend seminars. A gift of $250 covers the cost of mailing the background readings for one seminar to all participants.
Patron – $500 Support Level
Patrons receive all previous benefits listed PLUS an invitation to an evening reception with faculty members. Receive an autographed book by one of the Humanities Program faculty. A $500 gift covers one professor’s stipend for one lecture of a seminar.
Partner – $1000 Support Level
Partners receive all previously listed benefits PLUS an additional invitation to an exclusive social event held at a private home with program faculty. Your gift of $1000 comprises the cost of renting a seminar room for a day.
Benefactor – $2500 Support Level
Benefactors receive all previously listed benefits PLUS the opportunity to attend an exclusive dinner led by UNC faculty along with appropriate recognition on our website and in other materials. A $2500 gift is on par with the faculty stipends for an entire seminar and the copyright costs of seminar background readings.
Visionary – $5000 Support Level
Visionaries receive all previously listed benefits, PLUS naming rights to a Humanities seminar. Complimentary attendance at no charge to this seminar is included. Also, donors at this level may be assured of a seat at any seminar during the year, provided staff is notified five days in advance of the seminar and all standard tuition fees are paid. A gift of $5000 incorporates all the direct costs of running a seminar.
Director’s Circle – $10,000 Support Level
All benefits previously listed, PLUS naming rights to two seminars, including complimentary attendance to both at no charge. Additional benefits may be determined in consultation with the donor and in keeping with his/her interests. Your gift of $10,000 funds the tuition for over 150 school teachers to attend a seminar.