Registration Site FAQ
First time using the registration site? Click here.
Returning user who has an account? Click here and log in.
Need to remove events from your shopping cart? Click here.
Need to check past orders? Click here.
1. Enter your email address in the field under “Create an Account”
2. Create a secure password that you’ll remember.
3. Once you’ve set up a new account, click “My Account” in the upper right-hand corner of the shopping cart.”
4. Click the “Address” button on the left-hand side of the page. On the next screen enter all the required information (Name, Address, Email, etc.) and hit “Save Address.” If you did it correctly, you should return to the “My Account” page and a green bar with the message “Address changed successfully”
5. If you are a teacher, Carolina Alumni member, or require special accommodations, click “Account Details” on the left-hand menu. Complete the fields that apply to you and hit the “save changes” button at the bottom of the page. If you are a Carolina Alumni member, select your membership type or the discount will not be applied at checkout.
6. If you would like to add a guest (such as a spouse, partner, or friend) to your account, click “Guests” on the left-hand menu. Next, click “Add Another Guest” to bring up a new form. Complete all the required information and hit “update.” That person will now be linked to your account and you can choose them as a ticket holder during checkout.
7. Once you’ve set up all your account information, click the Carolina Public Humanities logo in the upper left-hand corner of the page to return to the shopping cart.
8. Once you’ve set up a new account or logged in, there are two ways to browse events:
- Click the “Upcoming Events” button in the top menu to view all of our programs in chronological order.
- Click the “Browse by Type” button in the top menu to access the list of our programs by type.
9. To register for an Event:
Find the event(s) you would like to register for. Click the “Add to Cart” button to the right of the event title. This selects one seat for you.
- If you would like to add more seats, click the + on the right hand side of the button.
- If you want to remove that event, click the – until the button says “Add to cart”
- If an event is marked “Sold Out” please email to be added to the event waitlist.
Certain events offer an optional paid meal. Click the “no lunch” or “no dinner” button, if you do not want this add-on.
10. Once you have selected all the events you would like to register for, click the “Checkout” button in the top menu or the bottom of the page.
Checkout page
11. Under each event, click the drop-down box under “Guest.” If your account is already set up, select your name and/or your guest’s name for each event listed to autocomplete your information in the form. Click “Review Order” when you have assigned a person for each event ticket.
11a. If you did not set up your account or would like to add a new guest, click “new guest” to bring up new fields. You must complete all the boxes with a red asteric. Once you have completed the form, click “Update Guest Info.” For each subsequent event, click the drop-down box, and your name or your guest’s name should appear. Click “review order” when you have assigned a person for each event ticket.
Review Order Page
12. Review your order to ensure accuracy. The “Proceed to Payment” button will take you to an external, secure credit card processing site.
Events that are eligible for discounts will have those options listed below the ticket. Select the appropriate discount and complete the information requested for the discount to be applied at checkout.
13. Enter your credit card information into UNC’s secure TouchNet site. All of your billing information should already be entered into the credit card payment form. Once you have entered your credit card information, click “Continue” to process the order. You should receive a “Notification of Payment” email from once your order has been processed.
To remove events from your cart, click the dark blue box with the basket icon in the top right corner.
This will bring up a drop-down box listing all the items in your shopping cart. Click the red “x” to the left of the event you wish to remove.
You can continue to add additional events or proceed to the checkout page.
To check past events you registered for, click the “Account” button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Select “Orders” to bring up a list of your past orders. Click “View Order” to see what specific events you’ve registered for.